Category Previous Years

Tech Volunteers Needed!

If you are new to Escapade, volunteering at the con is a great way to meet people.  If you are a repeat attendee, we know that new fans really appreciate having someone to help guide them to the best the…

Tech Test Drive Reminder!

First, a quick reminder, April 22 (the day before the test drive) is the deadline for reduced rate to join online Escapade. If you wait until April 23, registration for the online con goes up to $30. Second, if you…

Tech Test Drive for Online Con!

First, a quick reminder, April 22 (the day before the test drive) is the deadline for reduced rate to join online Escapade. If you wait until April 23, registration for the online con goes up to $30. Escapade 32 is…

Escapade 32 Panels

We have the first draft of the panels that will be included on the main schedule. Check them out here! If your panel didn’t make the cut, or you have just thought of the newest, coolest thing we should talk…

Orphan Panels ISO Mods

Several panels that received plenty of votes still need moderators. We cannot schedule panels without at least one mod. Moderating a panel at Escapade is easy and fun! If you want to adopt one of the panels below, please email…


Reminders! Panel Ballot Panel Ballot voting closes tomorrow April 1, 2022, midnight PST! Hotel Room Have you booked your hotel room?? Scholarships It’s not too late to either donate for Scholarships or nominate a worthy recipient: Vid Show Do you…

Panel Ballot and Call for Vids!

The Escapade panel ballot is open for voting! Take this opportunity to let us know what you want on the final schedule. You can vote through April 1, 2022.  Here is the direct link to the panel ballot:  There are…

Welcommittee and Volunteer Program

Introducing- the Escapade Welcommittee! What’s a Welcommittee, you ask?  It’s the fannish version of a welcome wagon, helping you feel at home in a new place, answering questions, holding your hand, pretty much anything you need to make your Escapade…