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Escapade 2022

Finally! We are looking at dates in April, because the Super Bowl is in LA in mid-Feb, and there’s a 3-week trailing spike from COVID that we don’t want to get caught up in… This is just the basic info…

Post con, thanks and things to do!

First and foremost, thanks to everybody who came and participated and pitched in to help, because of you it was a wonderful convention!  Was it good for you? Please let us know what your experience was by filling out a…

Escapade minus 1 day and counting!

Action Required Confirm you have Zoom client installed and updated () Log into the Escapadecon site, and go to your My Account page to confirm that you can see the (and click) links to all of the panel tracks. The…

Escapade minus 2 days and counting!

Action Required Complete this poll about the Wildcard and Wayback panels to save some time in the welcome panel on Friday: If you have any concerns about being able to access the convention, put the Thursday evening tech check(…

Escapade minus 3 days and counting!

Headed into the first ever virtual Escapade, we have a lot of information to communicate. Each day we’ll send an email structured with things requiring action NOW, and information you need. So let’s get started! Action Required Sign up for…

Panels and Schedule and Volunteers

This is it, we’re in the home stretch to the convention!  Because of the potential for people to be in so many different time zones, we’ve done the schedule and panel list a little differently this year. First is the…

Test Drive Follow-Up

Thanks for everyone who came to the Test Drive on Saturday, and thanks especially to the knowledgeable folks who stepped in to answer questions that were beyond our skill sets. It was also just really nice to see people’s faces.…

Test Drive is Tomorrow!

Test Drive is Tomorrow! Looking forward to Escapade, but a little unsure of your tech?  Join us on Saturday, February 13, 3:30 to 5:30 PM Pacific Standard Time to test drive your tech!  Juggling Zoom and Discord and the occasional…