Escapade needs your help!

We need your help! The future of the conventions is at stake.

Dear Escapade family: we need your help.

Many of you can’t make it this year. Our registered attendance is currently in the 60s. Not only does this make us all really, really sad – it could also be catastrophic for Escapade.

Bottom line: we’ve got to get our attendance up above 100, or the future of the convention is at stake. So we’re reaching out to you, our Escapade family, and asking for help. 

Things you can do:

  1. Reserve your room

    Less than half of our contracted room nights have been reserved. We’ll end up having to pay a huge penalty if we can’t meet our commitment.

    So if you intend to attend and just haven’t reserved your room yet, please do so. This link will pre-fill a three night stay (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, checking out on Sunday) with our group code and can be edited with your choice of dates. If you go to the website directly, please make sure to use our group code: CESRCG. The reservation should be fully cancelable, and you don’t need to pay in advance. 
  1. Come early and stay late!

    Consider including an extra night in your trip, especially Thursday night. We’ll be running a new event on Thursday evening, The Night Market, and you won’t want to miss it! Staying through Monday lets you hang out at the Dead Dog party and sleep it off afterward.
  2. Invite everyone you know

    Please invite your friends to Escapade. If every person currently registered brought just one other person, we’d be set.

    The Press Kit can help with spreading the word, but just talking about how much you love the convention on other Discords is a great way to get people interested, too. Some things I’ve said about it:

    “Escapade is my favorite convention! I love how warm and friendly everyone is.”

    “It’s a classic hospitality con with a fantastic con suite.”

    “The panels are different from any other convention, way more interesting and interactive.”

    Reach out to individuals and spread the word on social media. It costs nothing and it helps tremendously.
  3. Donate money

    If you have the financial resources to help, purchasing rooms or donating towards the purchase of extra room nights helps not only the convention, but the many scholarship applicants. It’s like doubling your effect!
  4. Donate your skills and time

    Another great way to contribute is by offering fannish items and services to the auction. If you’ve never missed a deadline on an exchange; if you can write fic, create vids, make art, record podfics, or have some other skill you’re willing to share, please reach out to us!
  5. Donate and get access!

    Finally, if you’re one of the many who tragically can’t attend in-person this year, a contribution of $20 or more will get you access to the Escapade 35 Discord when it becomes active. We’d love to see you, and every little bit helps.

In any other year, we wouldn’t be on our knees, banging the bell. This is serious.

But it’s also doable. With your help, we can not only ensure that Escapade 35 is fun (and solvent!) but also that we have Escapades for decades to come.

Thank you so much for your help. Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can help you help the con.

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I am in three different watch parties for Supernatural. I don't ship anybody. No. not even that pairing or *that* one.

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