Help Fans Attend the Con

It’s a Two-step Process

  1. Fans may apply themselves, or nominate potential scholarship recipients. Escapade has several scholarships for fans otherwise unable to attend because of cost. Scholarship recipients must be willing to volunteer 5 hours on site. We also love it when they volunteer to co-moderate panels. Apply or nominate anyone by filling in the form below.
  2. Contribute to the scholarship fund, which you can do by clicking the “Donate” link, below. 100% of your donations go directly to recipient expenses. Any amount helps; there is no donation amount that is too small to help, and of course there is no amount that is too big. You can contribute by check, too. Mail to Escapade, 264 Santa Monica Way, SB, CA 93109.

Make a Donation

Donate to Escapade scholarship or convention fund (put the detail in “What’s this for?” box)

Scholarship Nominations

Scholarship Nominations
