Last Minute News!

Escapade 33.5 is this weekend – where does the time go?

We have a few fun last minute things to let you know about, and then we’ll let you know where you can go to get the party started early.

First, we have our Wayback/Wildcard poll. For those who may not know, the Wayback Panel draws a panel from past Escapades to the current convention.  We have a selection from the first three Escapades to choose from!

Second, please join us at 7pm PDT on Friday, August 15th for a pre-con get-together in the new Discord. How do you access it?  Here’s how:

Starting Thursday night you will find the invitation link for our shiny new con-specific Discord in the “My Account” section of if you’re logged in and have purchased a membership. Under My Account Dashboard, there will be a link you can click to join us!

Third, Ilana has agreed to host an early morning hang out on Sunday to “Pimp A Fandom” and do vid sharing and fandom, etc, etc.  We are still working out the details, but went it’s done, it will be on the short schedule.

Fourth, and arguably most important, we still need volunteers, both tech and help desk:

The volunteer sign up sheet is here:

See you soon!!

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