Hey folks! We’re asking everyone who purchased a membership (including scholarship recipients and rollovers from a previous year) to fill out or re-fill out the Registration Info form:
1. Go to https://escapadecon.net/my-account/
a. If necessary, log in with the email you used when you purchased your registration
2. Once you’re logged in, go to: https://escapadecon.net/update-your-registration-info/ (this can also be accessed by hovering your mouse over “My Account”).
3. Fill out the form and click “Submit” at the bottom. Your badge name will be what shows up on the site instead of your name once it’s submitted.
4. (Optional) The confirmation page will have a link to your profile page, where you can click the gear icon and fill in your fandoms, etc. HINT: These are often used when choosing fanvids for the dance!
If the website is showing your wallet name, following these steps will overwrite it with your badge name!
If you are still having trouble, you can join us on Q&A Day at 4 PM Pacific January 12, on zoom and we’ll help you get registered.
This year we’ll be hosting a Q&A day to answer as many questions as we can for attendees who are coming for the first time ever, first time in a while, or first time in a couple months and have questions about what to expect. Please meet us at 4PM Pacific on January 12. We’ll answer what we can.
Much love,
-Escapade ConCom