The Escapade Art Show

Are you an artist who wants to share their visions with other fen? Are you a crafter who’s handy with rhinestones and a glue gun? Do you own art you were once crazy about, but now you think you were just crazy… but you still have that art, and a bunch of replica costume bits? Or maybe you still love that graphic painting of your OTP in a seriously non-canonical scenario — but your grandmother is moving in with you. Knitted Star Trek socks, molded sets of candles — or sex toys — just like your favorite characters would want them, hand-bound books of your memorable fanfiction… they all belong in the Escapade art show!

We display your works lovingly, admire them lasciviously, and, if they get three bids or more, auction them off rapaciously. We welcome original art, resales from your collection, prints and computer-generated art, 3D pieces, crafts, non-art items of fannish interest, and pretty much anything else that seems appropriate.

Escapade call for art


Fridaynoon – 1 pmStaff Meeting
Friday1 pm – 2 pmArtist Check-in
Friday2 pm – 8 pmArt Show Open
Saturday9 am – 7 pmArt Show Open
Sunday9:30 amArt and Charity Auction
Sunday11 am – noonSales/Pickup


Sellers can place items for display only, or to earn extra cash, or to raise money for charity and support the convention. Our 2025 charity is the Calfund Wildfire Recovery Fund. To submit art, visit our Participate in the Art Show page!


As always, the art show is also looking for volunteers to help with the show and auction. Get in early on the lascivious admiration! Reach out via the contact form and choose “Art show” under the “To” drop-down.

Art Show Placement Options

For Profit

Escapade does not charge hanging fees. Instead, we collect a 10% commission on the sale of any items that are auctioned off for profit.

*Because hotel expenses continue to increase dramatically, Escapade has opted to start splitting charity funds, as needed, to keep the convention viable.