Participate in the Vid Show

We are thrilled you would like to participate in the Vid Show. Each individual vidder may submit up to three vids on which ze has participated, whether solo or as part of a group. Vids premiering at Escapade will take precedence over vids that have shown at other cons or been posted online.

The vid submission deadline for Escapade Online 34.5 is July 9, 2024 at 12 midnight PST! If you have questions, email us at vids Please read the electronic submission instructions first, before submitting your vids.

You can view and edit your submitted vid info in your My Account page under the “My Vids” tab.

You need to be logged in to view the form and submit your entry.

How to get your vid files to us: no more scary ftp upload site!

You can send us a download link if you have one (even youtube, if you want). Or, feel free to use our Mediafire login to upload your files:

password: Mad4Vids

This year, we are looking for optimal quality for web viewing, so you can send us the compressed files you use for web upload — just make ’em look good! We will be using Vimeo as our Vidshow platform for both streaming and download, so take that into account, as many of you have used that site before. MP4 preferred, but we can work with most anything else unless you have something truly weird (and then we will let you know).”

Use the following naming convention (No spaces, punctuation or special characters):

vidpriority_yourname_songtitle.{mov,avi,m4v, etc.}


The file for the first-priority vid submitted by vidder Super Amazing Vidder!! to the song I’m A Little Teapot would be named:
