Escapade Scholarships

For many years, Escapade has maintained a scholarship program funded by generous attendee contributions and the con committee. It has assisted attendees who might not otherwise have been able to attend Escapade, from old-time fans who faced changes in their financial status to first-time fans who knew fandom only through the web.

During in-person cons, scholarships cover as much of membership and a (shared) hotel room as necessary to support the recipient; they may also cover travel costs and/or spending money for incidentals during the convention. For our online cons, scholarships cover the price of registration.

Available Scholarships

 The Eartha Kitt Escapade Scholarship

To honor our commitment to diversity and inclusion, Escapade maintains a scholarship specifically to assist fans who are black, indigenous, and/or POC. Please submit the name of the recipient, the best way to contact them, an introduction, and any information on what the recipient would be most excited for at Escapade.

How to Qualify: This scholarship is open to anyone who is black, indigenous, and/or a person of color.

 The Escapade Evelyn Scholarship

To honor our commitment to diversity and inclusion, Escapade maintains a scholarship specifically to assist fans who identify as non-binary or transgender. Please submit the name and preferred pronouns of the potential recipient, the best way to contact them, an introduction, and what the recipient is most excited for at Escapade.

How to Qualify: This scholarship is open to anyone identifying as non-binary or transgender.

 The Sandy Herrold Memorial Scholarship

Sandy loved vidding. She loved watching vids, making vids, critiquing vids, and the entire art of the process. She loved the vid community. To honor her contributions to that community, this scholarship will assist a vidder to attend Escapade.

How to Qualify: This scholarship is open to any vidder.

 The Stacy Doyle Memorial Scholarship

Stacy is another member who left us way too soon. She was friendly, creative, and generous to a fault. In her name, we bring one (or more) person to Escapade who would not otherwise be able to attend the convention.

How to Qualify: This scholarship is open to everyone.


Who May Nominate?

Fans are welcome to nominate themselves or others who are interested in attending Escapade.

Expectations of Recipients

Scholarship recipients must be willing to volunteer five hours of assistance during the con.


When you are ready to submit your nomination, go forth and click here!



When you contribute to the scholarship fund, 100% of your donation goes directly to recipient expenses. Any amount helps; there is no donation that is too small, and of course there is no amount that is too big!

Donate Online

If you would like to donate online, click here to go to our PayPal. Please be sure to enter “scholarship fund” in the What’s this for? box. (If you would prefer to donate to our general convention fund, you can do so by leaving the What’s this for? field blank.)

Donate via Check

If you would like to donate via check, please specify “scholarship fund” in the memo field and mail your contribution to the following address: