Have you had enough Escapade for 2023? Neither have we!

Have you had enough Escapade for 2023? Neither have we!

Escapade is planning an online-only con (we’re calling it “Escapade 33.5”). SAVE THE DATE of August 19th and 20th, because we’re serving up a weekend of slashy online fun you won’t want to miss!

Our website is down for its annual revamp and will be open for 33.5 registration in early June. Right now, though, we’re inviting volunteers to contact us to help make Escapade 33.5 amazing. We have several specific volunteer posts we’d like to fill:

1. Messaging coordinator: someone who can shadow our existing coordinator (Dail) and learn the ropes, willing to send out group emails, check the “in” box, and post con-related announcements.
2. Vid show coordinator(s): someone (or two, or three) who can shadow our existing coordinators and one, two, or three people can share/fill this role. If you love vids and vidding, contact us at info@escapadecon.net for details.
3. Website maven: If you have a basic (or, you know, super-advanced) knowledge of CSS/HTML/etc., we’d love your support to help improve and maintain the site.

We’ll be putting out the call for general tech volunteers as the convention gets closer, so stay tuned.

Are you excited? We are too. :)

–The Escapade 33.5 Planning Team

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Highlander, Mag7, X-Files, MUNCLE

Articles: 98