Art Show and Fan Fair

Are you an artist who wants to share their visions with other fen? Do you have crafts that you'd like to share with convention goers but don't want to miss a minute of convention programming sitting in the dealer room?

Art Show

Are you an artist who wants to share their visions with other fen? Are you a crafter who’s handy with rhinestones and a glue gun? Do you own art you were once crazy about, but now you think you were just crazy… but you still have that art, and a bunch of replica costume bits? Or maybe you still love that graphic painting of your OTP in a seriously non-canonical scenario — but your grandmother is moving in with you. Knitted Star Trek socks, molded sets of candles — or sex toys — just like your favorite characters would want them, hand-bound books of your memorable fanfiction… they all belong in the Escapade art show!

We display your works lovingly, admire them lasciviously, and, if they get three bids or more, auction them off rapaciously. We welcome original art, resales from your collection, prints and computer-generated art, 3D pieces, crafts, non-art items of fannish interest, and pretty much anything else that seems appropriate.

Sellers can place up to 10 items in the art show to earn extra cash or to raise money for charity and to support the convention. Our charity this year is the American Civil Liberties Union.

Mail in deadline for the Art Show is Friday, February 24, 2023.

Fan Fair

Do you have crafts that you’d like to share with convention goers but don’t want to miss a minute of convention programming sitting in the dealer room? Are you at a loss for something to do before the con starts on Friday? Join (or peruse) the FanFair! Set up starts Friday morning at 8 am, and the FanFair runs from 8:30-10:30 am. Everything must be cleared from the room before the Welcome to Escapade panel at 11.

Bring your stuff to show or sell. It does not have to be fannish. Email Barbana ( if you want to participate, or just want more info. There is no charge to participate in the FanFair.

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Highlander, Mag7, X-Files, MUNCLE

Articles: 98

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