Category Previous Years

Give us your post-con feedback!

Just one more piece of post-Escapade business… We’d love to know what you loved (or didn’t love) about Escapade this  year.  If you filled out a comments form before you left, super!  If you  didn’t, we have it online here:…

Escapade Scholarship recipients 2019

One of this year’s scholarship recipients, Seperis, is a first time attendee and another, Luminosity, is a long time friend of Escapade who hasn’t been with us in several years.  We’re thrilled that they will be joining us! …

The Escapade Dealer Room

The Escapade Dealer Room offers a variety of opportunities to drop a little cash picking up fannish memorabilia, zines, fan-oriented clothing and jewelry, and more!  With open hours during all three days of the con, the dealer room is a…

The Escapade Raffle and Swap Table

Raffle We love getting donations for the raffle!  What do we want, you ask? Anything new or nearly new that a fellow fan would love: DVD sets, tech stuff, custom fannish items, m/m books–use your imagination! When do we want…