Escapade Upcoming Events!

Hello folks,

Escapade 33 may be over but Escapade 34 has kind-of begun early.  To keep the collaborative energy of Escapade alive all year, we’re keeping in touch and creating gatherings for our crowd wherever fandom may take us.  

Here are the various Escapade-hosted events coming up.

First up:

Wednesday, March 22 – We will close the Escapade 33 Discord server and leave invitation links to allow people to join the Escapade Year-round server. Expect it to start in the evening. We’ll be happy to walk you through joining the Year Round Discord if you need help.

Second thing:

For all the long-time fans and friends of Escapade, we have a few streaming events that are regularly advertised in our Escapade Year Round server. If you would like assistance with getting set up to attend any of these events, please reach out to with a few days advance notice and someone will reach out to help you.

Tuesday nights at 6 PM Pacific, a group of Due South fans run a weekly stream with a new episode. If you have ever been interested in dipping your toes into Due South, this is a great way to do it.  It runs every week at 6 PM Pacific. 

The link is here:

Find the time in your time zone here:

Thursday nights at 6 PM Pacific, a group of fans run the Chalk & Cheese weekly get together. If you want to meet up with fans to discuss Escapade’s longer running fandoms, here’s your chance. It happens every week at 6 PM Pacific.

The link is here:
Find the time in your time zone here:

Saturdays at 7PM GMT, a long-running weekly chat about The Sentinel happens. Each week is a different discussion topic, which is announced in the Escapade Year-round Server. You don’t need to download or install anything to join and participate.

The link to the discussion location is here:

Find the time zone in your area here:

Here is a list of Escapade One Night Only events:

Sunday, March 26 – Noon Pacific – We will stream Episodes 3 and 7 of The Last of Us which are very queer episodes that don’t require much knowledge of the previous episodes to enjoy. Here is the Kosmi Link:

Click here to see the event time in your time zone:

*You do not need an account to watch on Kosmi. You only need to open the link.

Saturday, April 8 – 9 am Pacific – We will stream the Escapade retrospective on Kosmi. This is a compilation of 42 older Escapade vids from past years. 

Here is the Kosmi Link:

Click here to see the event time in your time zone:

*You do not need an account to watch on Kosmi. You only need to open the link.

Thursday, April 27 – 6 pm Pacific – Blast from the Past! We will stream Inception, the film that launched a massive fandom.

Here is the Kosmi Link:

Click here to see the event time in your time zone:

*You do not need an account to watch on Kosmi. You only need to open the link.

If you are interested in organizing a fandom event for Escapade such as a book club for book fandoms, a stream for movie fandoms, a workshop for vid making, etc, etc, please reach out and we will share your event information with other Escapade folks.  Are you interested in doing something but aren’t sure how to get started? Email us at and one of our volunteers will reach out to help.

Anyone and everyone is welcome to the events so please feel free to invite friends.

One more thing:

We also want to spotlight the amazing fanworks that our community creates. We’d like to start including links to fanworks and major community events as part of our way to showcase people’s talents and fannish contributions. If you would like us to share links of fanworks or fanevents under your fannish name, please reach out to us at and tell us what you would like for us to rec and share and which username to use.  

Thank you for being a part of Escapade and keeping the spirit of the con alive. Hope to hear from you soon.

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Highlander, Mag7, X-Files, MUNCLE

Articles: 98

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