

The Untamed, MCU: ShieldHusbands, Black!Bow!Tie | Killjoys | The Expanse

Pardon our (digital) dust

We are upgrading the Escapade site. During the renovations, menus and links will not work (or may have unpredictable results). Please be patient. We should have everything back online in early June. Until then, only current news posts will be…

Kathy Snow Memorial

Kathy Snow, a long time attendee and generous donor to the convention, died recently.  There is a virtual memorial this Sunday, Feb 26, at 11am Pacific. Please send a note through the contact page or check Escapade News/Escapade Chat for the Zoom…

Escapade Post-con Hiatus

We loved seeing everyone who attended Escapade 32, whether in person or online. And we missed all of you who couldn’t make it, for whatever reason. Megan and Charlotte will be back online mid-May. The Escapade 32 Discord server will…

Escapade 32 Panels

We have the first draft of the panels that will be included on the main schedule. Check them out here! If your panel didn’t make the cut, or you have just thought of the newest, coolest thing we should talk…

Orphan Panels ISO Mods

Several panels that received plenty of votes still need moderators. We cannot schedule panels without at least one mod. Moderating a panel at Escapade is easy and fun! If you want to adopt one of the panels below, please email…

Escapade Panel Ballot is Open

The Escapade panel ballot is open for voting! Take this opportunity to let us know what you want on the final schedule. You can vote through April 1, 2022.  Here is the direct link to the panel ballot:  There are…

Escapade Hybrid Convention Structure

How will that work, you ask? We hope it will be seamless for everyone. If at first it’s not, we trust that willing and resourceful fans will help to sort it out.  MORNINGS ONLINE (8 AM – noon PT)All scheduled programming in…

Escapade COVID Policies

COVID policies for in-person attendance at Escapade 32 can be found here: Please take the time to read them, and be prepared to submit your proof of vaccination once we have that system in place. The COVID policies may…