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The Escapade Volunteer Program

Every year at Escapade we are so grateful for our volunteers. The truth is that it is our volunteers who help us keep the con running, and help us keep our sanity during the busy con weekend. One great place…

Reminder: Escapade Hotel Con Rate Deadline 2/1!

Have you booked your Escapade hotel room? Don’t delay–the special con rate is good until this Friday, February 1. You can read more about the hotel experience in this post: Have you booked your Escapade hotel room yet? Go here…

Introducing: FanFair 2019!

New for Escapade 2019, an experiment! Do you have crafts that you’d like to share with convention goers but don’t want to commit to missing out on the convention to sit in the dealer room? Do you find yourself at…

Introducing: the Escapade Art Show!

Did you know that Escapade has an Art Show?  Well, we do, and every year we are amazed by the array of unique art representing many different fannish loves.  We set aside a room at the convention on Friday and…

Rides and Roommates!

Do you have a room for two (or three) but no roommate(s)? Are you looking for someone with space in their room for one more? Are you driving in and hoping to find a passenger to share gas expense,or looking…

Escapade panel ballot is open!

It’s voting time! The Escapade panel ballot is open now and will close at midnight PST on Tuesday, January 15. How does this work, you ask?  Easy! First, log in to your account on the Escapade website, then go to…