Category Previous Years

Reminders! Art Show, Vid Show, Volunteers

Art Show Reminder Calling all art makers, buyers, admirers, lurkers!  Since Escapade is virtual this year, so is our Art Show.  This year we thought it might be fun instead of harassing people to make new artwork, we do sort…

Panel Ballot, Last Day To Vote!

This is it, today’s the last day to vote your panel ballot!  Have you voted for which panels you want to see at Escapade?  Better hurry up before you run out of time!  There are a bunch of great panels…

Panel Ballot, Two Days Left!

Two (2) Days Left To Vote!  Have you voted for which panels you want to see at Escapade?  Better hurry up before you run out of time!  There are a bunch of great panels on the ballot, so let us…

Panel Ballot Deadline!

Three (3) Days Left To Vote!  Have you voted for which panels you want to see at Escapade?  Better hurry up before you run out of time!  There are a bunch of great panels on the ballot, so let us…

Art Show Information

Are you an artist who wants to share their visions with other fen? Are you a crafter who’s handy with rhinestones and a glue gun? Do you own fan art you wish you could share with other people? This Escapade…

Tech Information and Call for Volunteers

How do I connect to Escapade 31? Our plans are to have panel conversations (video optional) on Zoom, text chat on Discord, video streaming on Vimeo, and the art show on Tumblr. If you have any concerns about accessing the…

Vid Show Information, Panel Ballot Open!

The Escapade Vid Show will be live-streaming this year on Vimeo, then will be available to re-watch at your convenience. We want everyone, including festivids participants () to submit vids to the Escapade vid show. We are open for vid…

Panel Suggestion Deadline is Today

This is it, last chance to make panel suggestions is today!  Go check out what people have suggested so far and add your ideas: Deadline is midnight tonight!

Panel Suggestions and Password Resets

Here’s the direct link to submit panel suggestions: Having trouble logging in to suggest panels? Email and we’ll reset it for you. We’re working to address the underlying tech issues.

Panel Suggestion Deadline Extended

Great news!  You’ll have even more time to make panel topic suggestions!  We’ve extended the deadline for panel suggestions to midnight Saturday, January 16.  But don’t procrastinate, go suggest a panel now: Once we have all your great suggestions, we’ll…